Willkommen auf der Seite der feg-runners.

Da wir regelmäßig laufen, werden wir immer besser, aber eigentlich ist dies nicht unsere Motivation.
Miteinander eine gute Gemeinschaft haben, Erfolge zusammen feiern und sich durch Verletzungen tragen, dass ist die Ziellinie.

Und hier kannst Du, egal wie fit Du bist, ganz locker und entspannt einfach mal bei unserem Laufspass mitmachen.

Jeden Samstag um 9:00 h am Waldparkplatz oberhalb der Lucke. Entlang der Hohen Strasse kann man zwischen zwei Rundkursen wählen. Entweder 8 oder 14 km.

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Wir nehmen absolut Rücksicht auf Anfänger. Alle 4 km machen wir kleine Gehpausen oder teilen die Läufer in gleich starke Gruppen auf.

Alles Liebe und Gute Uwe

Donnerstag, Juli 23, 2009

Christoph nun auch IRONMAN Schweiz

Drei Gastronomen – drei Disziplinen – ein gemeinsames Ziel

Wollen als Ironmänner in Zürich siegen: Reinhardt Börner, Andreas Ott und Christoph Wermuth (von links) |

Foto: Birgit-Cathrin Duval / bcmpress

WEIL AM RHEIN (bcm). Der Kochkittel bleibt am Haken, stattdessen zwängen sie sich in enge Neoprenanzüge und stürzen um Punkt 7 Uhr in der Frühe in den Zürichsee. Wenn am Sonntag, 12. Juli der Startschuss für den Zürich Ironman fällt, sind die Gastronomen Andreas Ott, Christoph Wermuth und Reinhardt Börner mit von der Partie.

Der Ironman ist die Königsdisziplin im Triathlon, der von den Athleten alles abverlangt: 3,8 Kilometer Schwimmen, 180 Kilometer Radfahren und zum Abschluss der Marathon mit 42,2 Kilometern Laufen. Gastronomen findet man nur ganz wenige unter den Triathleten. Dass es dennoch geht, wenn man fest entschlossen ist, zeigt Andreas Ott (40) von Ott’s Leopoldshöhe. Als er vor vier Jahren an einem Motivationsseminar teilnahm, setzte er ein ambitioniertes Ziel: "Einmal den Ironman schaffen." Innerhalb von nur vier Monaten nahm er 20 Kilogramm ab und lief drei Monate später als "Eisenmann" ins Ziel. Auch 2007 schaffte er erneut den Zieleinlauf beim Zürich Ironman.

Reinhardt Börner, Gastronom in Eichsel kam über den Tauchsport zum Laufen und begann vor vier Jahren mit dem Triathlon. Der 61-Jährige kann bereits beachtliche Erfolge vorzeigen: Beim Südafrika Ironman im April schaffte er es auf den 2. Platz in seiner Altersklasse – und verpasste nur ganz knapp ein Qualifikationsticket für den legendären Ironman auf Hawaii. "Das ist der Traum eines jeden Triathleten – einmal auf Hawaii zu starten, " sind sich die drei Gastronomen einig.


Bei Christoph Wermuth, Gastwirt des Jägerhaus in Egerten, waren es gesundheitliche Gründe: Nach einem Bandscheibenvorfall begann er mit Laufen, das sich als Therapie für den Rücken erwies. Ein Fernsehbeitrag über einen behäbigen Journalisten, der es zum Ironman schaffte, brachte den Motivationsschub. "Danach habe ich mir gesagt, das kannst du auch!" Nach einem Jahr Vorbereitungszeit startete er 2008 beim Zürich Ironman – seitdem ziert ein Tattoo mit dem Ironman-Logo seine rechte Läuferwade.

Als Konkurrenten verstehen sie sich nicht – weder beruflich noch sportlich. Alle starten in unterschiedlichen Altersklassen und haben unterschiedliche Ziele. Andreas Ott geht es "um’s Durchkommen und Spaß haben – und das möglichst unter 15 Stunden und schmerzfrei." Christoph Wermuth peilt "unter 13 Stunden an", Reinhardt Börner müsste 11,5 Stunden schaffen, wollte er ein Startticket für Hawaii ergattern. Viel Hoffnung macht er sich nicht: Die Vorbereitung war aufgrund Verletzungen und mangelnder Trainingseinheiten nicht optimal.

Bedingt durch die unterschiedlichen Arbeitszeiten muss das Training entsprechend geplant werden – oft früh morgens oder spät nachts. So klappt es auch nur selten, dass alle drei eine Trainingseinheit zusammen einlegen können. Bei den Gästen kommen die sportlichen Ambitionen der Gastronomen indes gut an. " Man bekommt ein seriöses Image bei den Kunden," meint Andreas Ott. Die beiden anderen stimmen zu. "Viele Gäste schätzen das und sprechen uns darauf an."

Obwohl Beruf und Training sehr viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, haben alle noch andere Interessen: Andreas Ott macht regelmäßig Yoga, Christoph Wermuth ist als Pilzsachverständiger tätig, Reinhardt Börner, Ortsvorsteher von Eichsel, ist gelernter Glasbläser. Der Triathlon verlange zwar viel Disziplin und Zeit, erklärt Christoph Wermuth, doch so könne man vieles verarbeiten:"Man wird frei im Kopf." "Im Geschäft bin ich viel ausgeglichener, davon profitieren dann alle," stimmt Andreas Ott zu.

Recently in Zurich by the „Ironman Switzerland“ expo tent, I saw a saying that was to the point for the participants there. It read:
“Life is simple”
swim bike run eat sleep

Yet it left one small item out:
“… and with my friends it becomes easy!”

This was for me extremely evident on the day of Christoph`s second (to-date) Ironman event. My Darls was top fit for the event; no discussion about that! Perhaps mentally a little tired from the activities of the week before. Closing up the business for the summer holidays – juggling cooking, book keeping and easing off on the training Pendle is never easy. Along with our daughter Jolanda`s Gymnasium Ball and their preparation for the father and daughter trip his mental endurance was under strain. Then in the two days before the event a young admirer (stepson of the friends we stayed with) thought Christoph was this marvellous “old block” doing something incredible “for his age” (LOL). He literally fastened himself onto Chris allowing him very little “quite time”. Along with a delicious but incorrectly chosen vegetarian meal of grains, lentils and beans the day before the ground was laid out for some “turbulent wind” (pun intended!!!).

As the day begins around 4am for an Ironman event you tend to have the timetable pre-planned and begin by mentally ticking one item after another off. This I began to do. Coffee and a millet porridge at 4.30am, driving off at 5.30am to Zurich city, dropping Christoph and two other triathlon colleges off at 5.45am and off to search for a car park. This accomplished I walked down to the Lake side were the supporters were spread out in voluminous numbers making the identification of Christoph impossible. Unbeknown to me; due to his needing to make a ´Dixie loo´ visit and having to wait upon his predecessor taking more than the normal time, he came running down to the start … after the start!!! Anyway I began filming the 2222 triathliets who were on their way for what you could term as “a quick 3,8km swim, a pulsing 180km street bike ride and just for kicks hanging on a 42,195km run to loosen up”. This I say definitely with tongue in cheek because shit I couldn’t even stand up on my legs after riding 180km on the bike let alone contemplate running afterwards!!! (LOL) I began to walk my way to the swim – bike change section as Christoph`s support team began “calling in”. Peter Kaupp (his best friend who lives in Zurich) and Stephan along with Jutta had been at the start too and now we gathered together to plan our strategy. Stephan and Jutta had driven up with their bikes packed into the back of their car, meaning that they could be flexible and turn up at various stand points along the track of the bike and running circuit. Andreas and Heike were staying with friends at the 65km mark on the bike track; so could encourage him twice when he peddled by. So plans were devised and each of us went off to different vantage points. Peter and I noticed as he passed us at “Heartbreak Hill” he seemed “rather focused” but otherwise in good spirits. Glocks sent us a SMS that he had passed by the 65km mark and the next call in was from Stephan who said he looked as if something was bothering him. Olaf was on the bike circuit at the crossover point fro 70km and 150km; as well as by all the rounds of the marathon circuit (these are divided into four 10km rounds and a few squashed meters). By the time Christoph crossed over the 150km mark Olaf said he felt something wasn’t quite right but he couldn’t say what. Christoph just looked “pained”!

Just then my mobile telephone decided to give up the ghost as Günter, Ursel, Susanne and Roland called to say they were on the marathon circuit and would be supporting him from there. Monika (Peter’s partner) along with Andreas Otto (who had to stop after the swim and first bike round due to knee problems) and his partner Veronica, came to join us and add their support for Christoph in the third discipline – all 42,195km of it. His support team had literally swelled in numbers (this time no pun intended).

As he came into the changing zone after 180km for the marathon we found out what the “pressure” was. AIR!!! I looked at his stomach and said to Jutta that he looked five months pregnant. From the start of the Ironman event his internal system was in full swing producing air but allowing it no escape root hence Christoph began literally to “blow up”. This caused massive pains and made him mentally very “tunnel vision orientated”! Knowing that going for his desired time was long out of the question, he fixed onto our shouted encouragement that he had eight hours to go until the finish and could walk the marathon if needed … finishing was to be his priority now. In the various discussions we have shared together since the Ironman Christoph said that this statement was positive to hear at the time, as the pain from the trapped air, made clear thinking blurry – he was wondering if he should even bother running as he had already began to think of counting 1km for 1km backwards! Stephan and Jutta were like lightening on their bikes, turning up at various unexpected areas, with words of encouragement and squares of chocolate! Olaf was light on his feet and found Christoph on route with a presence and manner that was extremely valued. Peter had the right word or played upon his dream pipe an inspirational tune along the way. Gunter, Ursel, Susanne and Roland called encouragement out even though Christoph was so focused he didn’t fully realize from whom the calls came. I helped were ever I could but my substance was blank by the 15 hour mark and my imagination began to take over in a negative direction; as we all supported Christoph in increasingly stormy conditions - sometimes sunshine, sometimes rain. Upon the final 10km round Olaf and then Stephan on the bike helped him through as the trapped air made his progress only take place as a “walk” now.

That’s what friends are for. They make the hard moments more bearable because they help “take on the load” or “lift off the burden” in any form or manner possible. Christoph`s running friends did that for him without expecting anything back in return. For them it was simple. They came to support him. They came to make his day just that little bit easier if they could. They did this … and Christoph appreciated it immensely!

We train for our goals alone and at other times within a group. We discuss and plan our strategies in our own heads as well as with our running comrades. Christoph went into the Ironman event alone. Physically the task was his to complete. The distance required no one could do for him. The physical discomfort we couldn’t take away. But with the support of his friends on the day his was “carried” all 14hrs and 7 minutes of the way! And so was I …

“We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can fly only by embracing each other” (Luciano de Crescenzo).

Thank-you for being their for us both … and for your embrace!!!!!!


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