Willkommen auf der Seite der feg-runners.

Da wir regelmäßig laufen, werden wir immer besser, aber eigentlich ist dies nicht unsere Motivation.
Miteinander eine gute Gemeinschaft haben, Erfolge zusammen feiern und sich durch Verletzungen tragen, dass ist die Ziellinie.

Und hier kannst Du, egal wie fit Du bist, ganz locker und entspannt einfach mal bei unserem Laufspass mitmachen.

Jeden Samstag um 9:00 h am Waldparkplatz oberhalb der Lucke. Entlang der Hohen Strasse kann man zwischen zwei Rundkursen wählen. Entweder 8 oder 14 km.

Falls Interesse, kannst Du Dich der WhatsApp Gruppe anschließen und erfährst so über alle weiteren Trainingstreffen und Laufevents

Wir nehmen absolut Rücksicht auf Anfänger. Alle 4 km machen wir kleine Gehpausen oder teilen die Läufer in gleich starke Gruppen auf.

Alles Liebe und Gute Uwe

Donnerstag, Juli 10, 2008

IRONMAN Christoph

6th July 2008

Text: Tiffany - wife of an Ironman!

Some people dream. Others dream and take action.
My guy had a dream and he lived it! To complete
this dream he trained a whole year with a dedication
in the disciplines swimming, cycling and running. The
Feg-runners were his strong support team in completing
the 1800 preparation kilometres he clocked up before the
Ironman event. The shared pounding with them on the asphalt,
Forest trails and at the Hamburg Marathon in May 2008 helped
give him the backbone needed for one of the disciplines he
had to complete on the day. Firstly 3,8km swimming then
180km race cycling and to follow this off 42,195km running
(as if you would not know what to do after you get off the bike!)

I and his best friend Peter were there to support him AND as a
complete surprise two members of our Feg-runners group travelled
up especially - Olaf and Jennette!!! This gave him such a moral
boost. To train with someone and then have them support you at the
event as Olaf did is a pure God sent gift! He had us on his side
and now he just had to do the work. As Goethe wrote:

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, magic and power in it.

He did. In 13 hours 11 minutes and 48 seconds.

We had a ball supporting him and all the other
athletes on the day. We would do it again and Christoph too!!!!!
Begin it now!

Lieber Christoph, im Namen der ganzen Laufgruppe


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